API Documentation

The REST API allows developers to hook into Clientexec and connect it to third-party applications.

Add User


Name Type Description
email string Email address of the user (required)
firstname string First name of the user (required)
lastname string Last name of the user (required)
password string Password of the user
organization string Organization of the user
address string Address of the user
city string City of the user
state string State/Province of the user
zipcode string Zipcode/Postal Code of the user
country string Country of the user
phone string Phone of the user
date_created date Date the user should be created as - defaults to 0000-00-00
status int Status of the user - defaults to 0

Example JSON Response

	"timestamp": 1395066843,
	"userid": "1024",	
	"elapsed": "0.080",
	"message": "".
	"success": true,
	"failure": false