After months of hard work, we are pleased to announce the release of the highly anticipated 6.4.0 Beta 2! As a beta version, we do not recommend running it in a production environment. If you hold an active Clientexec license (directly or through a reseller) you are eligible to participate in the beta.
To get started, click here to download version 6.4.0 Beta 2.
6.4 Highlights:
Version 6.4 features a completely redesigned client area featuring Bootstrap 4 giving your customers an easy-to-use portal to manage their hosting account. The new client area is complimented by 3 new order forms designed to increase your conversion rates. By popular demand, we have also made significant improvements to the WHMCS migrator enabling a more seamless and complete migration.
6.4 Changelog:
- System / Admin
- New client area design featuring Bootstrap 4.
- 3 refreshed order forms, including a new domain order form.
- Significantly improved WHMCS migrator.
- Updated Invoice API call to return the invoice entries info.
- Fixed issue storing thousands separator when importing TLD prices.
- Fixed issue with admin menu not re-loading when a snapin is enabled or disabled.
- Fixed issue with remote installs (softaculous, installatron, etc) not properly checking for trial licenses.
- Fixed issue with domain list not showing properly when using MySQL 8.0.
- Ensure that the “Renew Package” permission displays properly for client groups.
- Fixed issue related to package upgrade/downgrade code not allowing to complete Clientexec updates.
- Always show “VPS ID” under Hosting Account Tab of a client’s package if there is one set.
- Added a new config.php option “SAMEORIGIN” to send the X-FRAME-OPTIONS sameorigin header.
- Fixed issue with checking the wrong javascript variable in our chat tracking.
- Fixed issue on sign up with not being able to determine the proper server to allocate a package to.
- Added ability to cancel a pending package upgrade/downgrade.
- Ensure that auto-generated usernames based on a domain name do not start with a number.
- Fixed placement of Trial Version and Time in admin footer.
- Fixed issue with test email when using the “Override From” setting.
- Allow admins to change a package status to any other when needed.
- Allow to configure and use Upgrade/Downgrade for the same product, allowing a client to reconfigure the addons for the package and prorating the differences.
- Fixed issue with looking up .CH, .DE, and .EU domains when not using a registrar plugin.
- Billing
- Added new General Billing Setting: Void Unpaid Invoices When Deleting A Package.
- Added UK HMRC VAT Validation.
- Added events about adding/removing credit balance.
- Display ‘Failed Reason’ by default in ‘Failed Invoices’ section.
- Fixed issue with PDFInvoice setting wrong cache path.
- Fixed bug that was not removing invoice entries of unused coupons from invoices.
- Allow to Delete invoice entries of type Coupon.
- Fixed issue when calculating the total of an invoice for some currencies while having a percentage discount entry on it.
- Plugins
- Allow Direct Links payments for Paypal to properly work with the new API.
- Fixed issue with Stripe Checkout trying to insert invalid failed transactions when the client clicks the “Back” link instead of completing the payment.
- Ensure the Create option is properly displayed for Virtualizor when the VPS has been manually removed from the server.
- Allow NameSilo to use ID Protect addon.
- New “Auto Renew Domains?” setting for NameSilo to determine if the auto-renew should be enabled at NameSilo
- Fixed DNS Record management with NameSilo.
- Show EPP Code for ResellerClub, Resellbiz & NetEarthOne domains.
- Fixed issue with Virtualizor plugin not sending proper virtualization param.
- Allow Virtualizor plugin to send the storage ID when creating a VPS.
- Update the order of Stripe Checkout keys so they match the order in Stripe dashboard.
- Added Direct Login support for DirectAdmin.
- Added new DreamScape Registrar Plugin.
- Ensure Stripe Checkout works while using CloudFlare.
- If Auto Mailer is unable to email a client, create a support ticket instead.
- Fixed issue causing invoice page to show blank when a Stripe account has been limited.
- When importing cPanel/WHM accounts, send a reset password email if we create a new client
- Reports
- New report: Client Group Income.
- Signup
- Fixed issue when using the GET parameter “paymentTerm” instead of “paymentterm” in sign up. Now both parameters work.
- Fixed issue with “Terms and Conditions URL” setting, when used in the section where you can create an account without ordering.
- Clients
- Renamed country “Macedonia (Frm. Yugoslav Rep.)” to “North Macedonia”.
- Ensure “Use Paypal Subscriptions” is properly set when an account is created from login page.
- Support
- Fixed issue preventing spam filters from being saved as enabled.
- Fixed issue with editing a ticket message on admin showing raw HTML.
- Allow editing of all system ticket types.
- When emailing an Announcement, now it replaces the image URLs, with full paths.
Changed System Requirements
- SOAP is now a required PHP extension
Changes since Beta 1
- Fixed Invalid License Page
- Fixed Dependency Error Page
- Fixed issue causing license checks to happen too often
- Fixed issue with direct payment link
- Fixed style issue with quantity addon select border
- Updated softaculous auto-installer to use “admin” as the admin username if none given
- Fixed server actions not showing under the actions dropdown for a package on client-side.
- Fixed sub-domains on sign up step 2
- More fixes for WHMCS Importer
- Bundled Packages that have multiple billing cycles need to force step 2 if cart style = compare.
- Re-added javascript confirm when deleting a bundled package on step 2
- Re-added javascript confirm when clicking a link while setting up a bundled package
- Fixed issue with PayPal button on sign up when not using subscriptions
- Fixed issue updating name servers on client-side
- Fixed issue with larger currencies not displaying properly on order summary (cart step 2)
- Added missing font awesome icons to remove package and coupon buttons on order summary (cart step 3)
- Ensure we are using the proper template variables to include our CSS and js files on client-side
Fixed issue with “Income Growth” Report and MySQL 8.0.