We are pleased to announce the release of Clientexec 6.1.0 Alpha 1, which can be downloaded here. As this is an Alpha version, this is meant for testing only, and not to be run in production.
The eNom TLD Pricing Importer allows you to import and sync the vast list of TLDs and their pricing from eNom to your Clientexec. You can also add the margin you wish to increase each TLD from, making it easier to sell all TLDs to your clients.
The PayFast Payment Gateway has been added in Clientexec 6.1.0. PayFast is the leading payment processing solution for individuals and businesses in South Africa. We’ve also added support for Square Payments.
The anticipated Virtualizor Server Plugin has also been added. Virtualizor is a powerful web-based VPS Control Panel using which a user can deploy and manage VPS on servers with a single click.
In addition to these, we’ve also added email history to the admin panel, added more development hooks and updated API resources, added support for .biz.id when a registrar isn’t used, and updated MaxMind to use their new minFraud service, fixed numerous bugs, and added additional smaller features.
For a full list of changes, please see the CHANGELOG.txt file in the download.